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Optimizing Processes with a Marketing War Room

A war room can be called a “performance roundtable'' or even a “performance room”.

This strategy aims to bring together people from different areas in a single team, aiming at optimizing processes and flows to obtain the best results in digital marketing.

We know that digital platforms are here to stay. Therefore, using new technologies and tools to facilitate our work is the main value proposition of a war room.

To implement this service, your company's digital maturity stage is a point that must be taken into account.

This doesn’t mean that your company – which may not have reached such maturity yet – cannot have a war room.

It means that it will be necessary to organize the traditional structures of the marketing and communication area, going through internal digital transformations and, finally, implementing a war room strategy in your business.

When we compete in an increasingly fierce market, strategies like this cannot be ignored. The war room optimizes processes and brings results with greater agility, which translates into time and money for you.

Perform above expectations with Performa Web's digital marketing services.

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Our Structure

With the performance table, Performa Web creates a data analysis environment from a highly qualified multidisciplinary team.

We offer this service to make our processes and campaigns more agile and, therefore, provide our customers with the best results in less time. With a war room, the measurement and optimization of data takes place in real time, enabling greater assertiveness in decision-making and continuous improvement.

Some of our services that are part of a war room marketing strategy are:

  • Paid Media Management;
  • Business Intelligence;
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization);
  • Digital Content Creation;
  • Development;
  • UX (User Experience);
  • Other services (according to established objectives).

Relying on qualified and specialized professionals in the implementation and optimization of this strategy is one of the most important points of a war room.

Therefore, Performa Web brings together professionals specialized in each area, forming an interdisciplinary and diversified team, in addition to high operating capacity and a work method focused on data analysis.

Learn more about Performa Web’s war room services and optimize your results in digital marketing!

War Room Strategy Implementation and Objectives

When thinking about a war room implementation process, the first step that must be taken into account is the definition of objectives.

Furthermore, the analysis of the results and the monitoring of the war room’s performance will directly depend on these established objectives. Some examples of war room objectives can be:

Maximizing ROI and ROAS

The objective of war rooms focused on maximizing ROI and/or ROAS is to increase the return on investment made in digital marketing. These metrics are used to measure profits earned by the company through investments in marketing and paid media.

Increased sales performance

One of the main functions and one of the main objectives of a war room is to closely monitor the variations present in acquisition rates.

Such data analysis allows for direct intervention in the company's sales goal. Furthermore, it’s possible to analyze and optimize the user's purchase journey.

Optimizing Media Management

Another common goal of a war room strategy is optimizing media management. This strategy allows any problems to be detected with greater agility, ensuring greater assertiveness in campaign management.

This also includes some essential metrics, such as the conversion rate, clicks and CTA (click through rate) of each campaign. This causes the budget to be focused on what generates the greatest results.

Whatever your marketing objectives may be, Performa Web is here to help you! Talk to our experts and learn how a war room marketing strategy can increase your results and boost your sales.

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