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The importance of managing email marketing

Email marketing is an excellent tool to improve the relationship between your company and its customers.

With the growth of social networks and the emergence of new technologies, email marketing management strategies have gained even more strength and began to play an important role in the company's sales funnel.

Performa Web's email marketing management service consists of building automated strategies with the objective of converting new leads, identifying their purchase interests and bringing them to the moment of deciding whether to purchase a product or service.

Sales funnel in email marketing management

Email marketing management strategies consist of improving the relationship between the brand and its customers.

If you are thinking of investing in email content strategies, our suggestion is that you get to know PW's Inbound Marketing services. We also suggest that you look for tools that make the process of developing a relationship with leads in an automated way.

In this service, we work with specific content for each phase of the sales funnel. In this way, we identify the profile of the company's customers and the moment of purchase for each one of them. To find out how this structure works, talk to our experts.

Email marketing management methodology

Performa Web's email marketing management methodology focuses on understanding your brand’s customer purchase journey. So, we seek to understand who the target audiences are and which ones convert the most.

From there, we build relationship rules and materials that help not only to win these new leads, but also accompany them throughout the sales process.

We help you build a differentiated mailing, with segmentations that will help you carry the exact message for each moment of purchase and customer profile.

Expected results

To ensure that your company has optimized email marketing management strategies, we will assess the, volume of leads generated, the increase in conversion rate; the presence of more qualified leads and the acceleration of the purchasing process.

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